DHP Episode - 10/19/2012 - Space Jelly



Laos-y Cave Spiders
A colony of a new breed of cave-digging giant spiders was recently discovered in Laos, inside the vast complex of caverns they have created by scraping away the stone with their feet over many many years.

ConCERNing Religion
Scientists at CERN, fresh off naming proclaiming evidence of the Higgs boson, or God Particle as they love calling it, are attempting to gather top scientists and theologians from around the world in Geneva to discuss the very origins of life itself.

HeroRats to the Rescue
Genetically modified MouSensor rats are able to rid the world of unexploded landmines through the miracle of science.  (Soon with detachable nose!)

Space Jelly
More strange white goo or jelly has appeared in gardens in the UK - this time in the Northeast.  While so-called "Space Jelly Experts" (who are these guys?) proclaim the substance authentic, others believe it has a much simpler explanation...

11:11 Doomsday Clock
A new study involving more than four thousand people who claim to have seen the number 11:11 an unusually large number of times as compared with other combinations of numbers has just completed... and the results may shock you.  Could 11:11 be shortening your lifespan?

Listener Email

Pete Wilkins writes to ask about content from darkhallowparanatural.com available at darkhallow.tv