DHP Episode - 5/2/2014 - The Return Of The Horror



The Return Of The Horror

In a Massachusetts housing development, early owners are seeing disturbing things.  One of them has gone insane and mutters incoherently about the thing he saw in his yard one night.  Meanwhile, a prominent local psychic has foretold that a centuries old evil has returned to the area...

A Phantom Race Car
Police near Beaverton Michigan confirm strange happenings along a street purported to be haunted by he ghostly apparition of a sports car near a well known raceway.  When people stop to investigate, the mysterious vehicle disappears entirely, leaving them alone on the abandoned stretch of road.

Willow Trees And The Threat From Space
Since a breed of Willow tree that predates man vanished from the Earth, no living sign of them has been found until recently when scientists detected tiny spores drifting down from space above...

Chupacabra Captive
A Texas couple claim to have captured a young specimen of the elusive Chupacabra.  Real?  Fake?  Did it eat several investigators?  Check out the video below and decide for yourself!
Note: This is the common video footage that has been manipulated by Big Media and does not accurately portray the specimen actually held in captivity.

All New Occult Corner Question

And More!

DHP Episode - 10/4/2013 - Psycho-Tropics



Jelly-Being Attack
After numerous sightings of a UFO near Sweden, swedish nuclear reactors have been forced to shut down due to unusual events that haven't been reported since 2011... Note: You can see typical news coverage of this topic here

What do you get when you mix a government with desire to control the minds of its population, a secret tropical isle not found on any map, and a little bit of soil from another planet?  Tune in and find out!  

Reading Feathers
Though little known due to it's reverse-divinatory nature, Feather Reading is a powerful branch of the occult arts… with possibly dire and certainly terrible predictions for the future of the United States.

PLUS: Occult Corner with Jay Rosell, Listener Email, And More!

DHP Episode - 9/13/2013 - Friday The 13th Explained


Friday The 13th Extravaganza

Jay Rosell reveals why the world gets so strange around Fridays the 13th…


The Falling Man
  A startling image released by NASA shows the figure of a man falling from above on a recent rocket launch.  Is NASA's proclamation of "this is a frog" to be believed?

Is it a frog as NASA claims, or a falling human?

Strange Mechanical Insect Discovered
An insect has the world of espionage abuzz with the discovery of man-made mechanical components making it the perfect machine for infiltration and surveillance. 

Red Left Hand
Off Massachusetts, a lobster was plucked from the seas with a near-human hand in place of its left claw.  Is it in some way related to the mechanical insect?  

Strange Lobster Creature With Near-Human Hand

When Moose Attack
What does an open liquor cabinet, a few moose, and no curfew add up to?  Shenanigans!  A Swedish couple involves the police when an intoxicated moose threatens to break into their home.

The Man In The Attic
Around this time of year, all sorts of paranormal services see a spike in customers - such as psychics, and guided tours of haunted locations.  One such business person took it one step too far by hiring a guy to bang around in the attic of a haunted locale...

PLUS: Occult Corner with Jay Rosell, Listener Email, And More!


DHP Episode - 9/6/2013 - The Return Of Occult Corner



Plant With A Thousand Lives
The Corpse Plant is no longer simply using it's corpulent bad odor to attract flies and assorted nasty insects… but has also begun to trap and then digest them with a sticky secreted glaze whose recipe hearkens to the chemical makeup of a particular virus responsible for zombification... 

USOs Of Another Kind
A never-before-documented variety of USO (typically the S is for Submerged) sighting has occurred… where the S means Subterranean!  What's going on underneath our feet right now, and are the aliens involved?

Our Mysterious World: African Fairy Rings
In spite of decades of study, scientists are still grasping at already-disproved straws in explaining the phenomenon of the African Fairy Circles that dot the deserts of the country.  In spite of a massive checklist of things they know it's not, researchers are still completely ignoring the more bizarre properties of the rings.  Could the secret to their origin lie outside science and in the realms of the paranatural?

Strange Justice: The Idiot Sign
Another glimpse into the stranger side of the US justice system; in this incident a judge orders a man to public humiliation to atone for his crimes.

The Return Of Occult Corner Jay Rosell!

And More!