DHP Episode - 2/20/2015 - Fear In A Can Of Tuna



From strange creatures found lurking in cans of tuna to the arrest and conviction of a certain fearful groundhog, this week's DHP covers a wide range of topics.  Have you ever spotted a giant squid-like object floating in the sky?  Have you ever wondered if the government is deceiving us on how far advanced our space program is?  Tune in to this episode and hear these topics discussed!

If you enjoy Darkhallow Paranatural, please check out our Patreon page and consider pledging some small amount per episode, to help fund our efforts here at DHP.


This week's video is photo!  The below image was reportedly snapped by the mars rover, but appears to depict a humanoid shape that some claim is repairing the rover.  Is it really just the rover's shadow?  Is there a human there?  Is the human trying to score a little alcohol off the rover?  You decide, and let us know via our Contact Us page!


DHP Episode - 8/5/2014 - A Ghostly Breakfast Treat



A Ghostly Breakfast Treat
Breakfast Scorecard has a new cereal flavor that is sure to give your bowels the creeps!

Fossil Auction And The Dino’s Ghost
You will never believe what fossilized item was auctioned for over $10,000 recently!  And even if you come to terms with that… you’ll never believe how the artifact was first found!  Tune in for details!

Ruptured Reality Makes A Lake
The Tunisian desert is now home to a new body of water… a lake that appeared suddenly out of thin air.  Now, as the lake waters grow rapidly more and more murky, scientists are struggling to explain its origins and calm concerns over what it could mean that a large body of water could appear out of nothing in the middle of a desert.

A Parachute, And My Leg Back, Please
When a passenger "freaked out" on a plane bound for Edinburgh, the airlines diverted to get her off boarded as soon as possible.  But what was she really "freaked out" about?  We discuss it on tonight's program.  Here is a link to the article in the traditional media... which you'll notice is absent the true explanation of events.

Plus, how Occultists have infiltrated one UK political party

And More!

DHP Episode - 6/9/2014 - Dragons and Dragon Slayers



Channeling The Living
It’s been a while since we’ve discussed the exploits of a certain Psychic Someone on this program… but they’re at it again, and with an even larger tale of their being caught out in public as a probable cheat is being told.  Check out the full details from those who were present at the psychic's show here, and tune in to listen to our own opinions on those psychics who are faking it.

More USA Monster Attack Contingency Plans Revealed
Being blamed on a hacking incident, traffic signs across America recently began alerting citizens to “Godzilla Attack!” among other similarly themed messages referencing anomalously large “monsters”.  Our sources, however, paint a different version of this event - one that suggests the government knows that there are things out there that most people do not believe in… and that they wish to be prepared for.

Dragons and Dragon Slayers
Laura Ketchum confirms the existence of dragons and discusses their appearance and threat level to humanity while the team cites a real-life dragon slayer in Brighton who is slightly fed up with pranksters calling him to clear out Hogwarts or slay large house cats…  Could the dragons be prepping to traverse the seas and land in North America?

Exorcism Fiasco
Jay speaks on the subject of exorcism for cash, which is an ethical issue sweeping some areas of the globe currently.  Rather than a service performed for donations, some unscrupulous exorcists have taken to charging outrageous sums to municipalities and even individuals for services rendered.

And More!

DHP Episode - 6/5/2015 - The Town That Slept



The Skin Thief
A lot of skin is missing from a hospital in Philadelphia.  A *lot* of skin.  Enough skin that we’re wondering why someone would steal it - some $350,000.00 worth of skin.  Why would someone take that much biological material, and for what purpose?  And what is that figure captured on the hospital surveillance cam?

The Slenderman Murders
The news is grim: two twelve year old girls purportedly stabbed another nearly to death in what they claim was an appeasement to the tall, creepy figure stalking them.  Real?  Imagined?  Just plain attempted murder?  You decide… 

Here’s a link to all things Slender

Early US Monsters
Over the course of American history, there have been a lot of at-the-time-unexplained creatures, monsters, and terrors… Well, now science has a handle on a lot more than it once did.  Here is an interesting article about things once reported that are now (mostly) disproven.  What as-yet still at large monsters haunt your nightmares?  Let us know via our Contact Us page!  As long as it isn’t obscene, we *will* share it on an upcoming episode!

The Town That Slept
When an entire Russian town falls asleep for a span of six days, the scientists inevitably slip in to run their tests… and the theories begin flying.  Was the whole town abducted by aliens?  Was it a secret government project being tested?  Are the scientists legitimately trying to find answers, or just studying the aftermath of secret weapons testing?  Tune in to hear what Alex Thurgood has to say from onsite at the Town That Slept!

And More!

DHP Episode 5/16/2014 - The End Of HAARP



The End Of HAARP
Word has come in to congress that the US Air Force is decommissioning the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project, calling it "completed" and indicating that they no longer have a use for it as they have devised other means to achieve total weather control via the ionosphere.  We have it on good authority of what the new method is… and you won't believe it.

Deep Sea Vehicle Destroyed 6 Miles Down
The Nereus, a deep see autonomous exploration vehicle, has been reported as destroyed by the scientists monitoring its feeds while it descended into the oceanic depths northeast of New Zealand.  What you won't hear elsewhere is what the video feeds revealed just prior to the loss of all communication from the unmanned vessel.

The Sea May Claim Our Most Valuable Land
If you own seaside land, you may want to hear this discussion, as recent events have infuriated the Old Man Of The Sea to the point where he has promised to take our most valuable property (real estate) from us in retaliation…

Plus - discussion of the Louisville Goat Man, Psychic Listener Emails, and More!