DHP Episode - 11/14/2014 - Suicide By Axe


Show Notes

The Darkhallow Team is joined by a new voice, that of Damon Crowley - a professional ghost hunter - who may just become a regular (we hope).  Topics for discussion include a man who attempted to axe murder himself in Wisconsin, a case of human teleportation in Colorado, and the likelihood of a demonic assault on the catholic church.

Weekly “Is It Real” Video

Something a little different this week, the popular energy drink brand Monster is coming under scrutiny from religious groups who are pointing out that the Monster brand is, in fact, the Mark Of The Beast.  Take a look and sound off via our Contact Us page to let us know what you think!

DHP Episode - 5/24/2013 - Accidental Exorcism



Weaponized Spearmint
A wrecked tanker truck on a deserted Kansas highway has revealed a potent and dangerous new chemical that could be used to bring large groups of people to their knees.

Mystery of the Black Dragon
Cryptomeria Black Dragon, the tree that was supposedly created at the death of the last dragon on Earth, has been smoking for the past five years... What have UNC scientists uncovered that could change the course of human history?  Listen to this episode to find out!

Brooklyn Bridge Monster
In the wake of DNA evidence proving the existence of Bigfoot, a lab has used samples taken from the Brooklyn Bridge Monster and the Montauk Monster... with startling results in the analysis..

"Big Foot" - The Greatest Threat To Privacy Ever?
What are the big shoe manufacturers putting into their soon-to-be-released products that could ensure Big Brother has it's eye on you... permanently? 

Accidental Exorcism 
​Pope Francis has been making headlines after laying hands on a wheelchair bound man after Mass this past Sunday.  Reports say that this man was demon-possessed, and that the Pope cast the entity out with barely any effort at all.  Is it true?​

Check out the video below and let us know your thoughts using our comment system!​

​And More!